Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Use Computer The Way It Consumes Efficient Energy

No doubt each and every electronic device consumes energy and so does your personal computer. Surprised? Computer when starts, small surge of energy it consumes. However, it is less than the energy the system consumes while running for hours. If you are in a fix when to turn off your computer to save the energy, this blog contains certain guidelines to resolve your problem. You need to take into practice the following activities.

  • Don't fail to turn off monitor, if PC is going to be unused for more than 20 minutes
  • Be assured to turn off both CPU and monitor if PC is going to be unused for more than 2 hours.
  • It essential to ensure that the monitors, printers, and other accessories are on a power strip/surge protector. One must turn off the power strip, when such equipment is not used for extended periods. Not doing so will continue to flow power even when the PC is shut off.
  • Don't fail to unplug extra equipment if you don't make use of power strip.

Generally, you may often encounter heating problem in your PC. It is because, the device produces heat, and the more you leave it remain on, the heater it will be. Hence turn off your computer, it will help reduce build cooling loads and protects your PC from being damaged.

Use PC with Sleep Mode & Power Management Feature
The technology provides PC with sleep mode and power management feature. One who uses such PC is believed to save good amount on electricity bills each year. You too whenever buying a computer should ensure that it is equipped with power-down feature through operating system software or not.

Such monitors technically consume not more than 2 watts which is less than the sleep mode. Equipped with power management feature, a monitor goes into sleep mode automatically after a period of inactivity. More than that you can save energy by manually turning off monitor when it remains being unused.

Inactivate Screen Savers

Bear in mind that applying screen savers will not save energy. If you use screen saver, it means you have put your computer to consume more energy than it should actually. Also the activation of screen saver may disallow your power-down feature to function. The point is that you must completely avoid using screen savers if you use modern LCD color monitors.

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